Sunday, November 24, 2013

NEW ADMIN FEATURE! Automatic Confession Approval

Admins, your job just got easier!

Now, you have the option to allow all of your submitted confessions to be posted immediately (OK, within 2 minutes to be precise) to your Facebook page.  This means instant gratification for your confessors and less work for you as an admin!

To enable this feature, log in to and click on the Settings button near the top of the page.  You will see the option to Enable Automatic Confession Approval.

Now I know the first thing you are thinking is that, "hey, what about all the garbage that I filter out on a regular basis? Won't this allow all sorts of crap to be posted?" and you're right to worry... because we know full well some of the junk that comes through.  But now you can put the burden of flagging inappropriate content onto your users.  Whenever a post is sent to Facebook via the automatic approval process, it will also attach a link to the post that lets the users "Report This Confession".  When a user reports a confession, it is immediately removed from Facebook (and our site as well) and gets put into a Pending status.  All of these reported confessions will then go to you for the final say.  

You will then go back to your admin page as you always have before and all the reported confessions will show up here.  Except now, if you approve one of these confessions that were reported, the option for your users to report it is no longer available, since you have made your ruling!

We plan to make this feature even more robust in the future by adding a keyword list for you so that you can add words (people's names for instance) that will trigger the confession to go immediately into the Pending status instead of being allowed through automatically, so keep an eye out for that in the near future.

Let us know what  you think of this new feature!  Comment here or drop us a line at admin -at-  We're always looking for new ways to make your job as a confessions page admin even easier.

Thanks as always for being a part of the site!